...more than just a place to live!
Tatman Village offers a wide selection of activities, including:
Exercise Equipment and Classes
Exercise equipment, including a treadmill, elliptical machine, and Sci-Fit Step One Total Body recumbent stepper is available for resident use, and organized exercise classes are held on a regular basis.
Coffee Klatch
Each Thursday we have Coffee Klatch in the clubhouse. All are invited to meet for coffee, cookies, diabetic treats and enjoyable visits with your neighbors, and to enjoy occasional programs as well.
Walking Paths and Gazebo
Residents who enjoy outdoor activity can take advantage of paved walking paths on the campus as well as the gazebo, enjoying views of Illinois prairie wildflowers and ponds with fountains.
Worship Center
There is a chapel available for reflection.
Musical Programs
Frequently we have musical programs performed by local artists.
Children’s Programs
Occasionally, students from Lincoln School, and other area schools perform plays and skits.
About five or six times a year, normally around a holiday, Tatman Village staff will cook burgers, brats, etc., on the grill, for resident enjoyment.
Twice monthly we have Bingo games in the clubhouse.